Saturday, June 22, 2013

San Juan Solstice 50 Mile Run Race Report - Lake City, Colorado

14:59:49, 140th place

49.75 miles, 12,856 vertical ascent.  Low point 8,671 ft, high point 13,224ft

Wow.  What a day, what a race and what an experience.  This will be a tough post to keep short as I feel like I could go on for hours.  I'll try and break it into sections to give a sense of the build up, race and experience.

Race Prep.

All had been going well.  Long runs, decent miles etc.  Certainly enough to be ready for the day given how I have seen others prepare for this.  I was a little apprehensive about how much I suffered up high in the Mt. Evans race so wasn't sure how a big day with this much altitude was going to affect me.  More on that later.  Confidence level was high.  After dropping from the 50mile to the 25mile at Collegiate Peaks I was really motivated and pretty much nothing was going to stop me this time round.  The race itself has a reputation as one if not the hardest 50milers in the country (along with Zane Grey) but it is such an aesthetically pleasing course.  One big circuit in the San Juan's is about as good as it gets.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mt. Evans Ascent Race Report - Mt. Evans, Colorado

2:30:45, 51st Place, 10th AG

Another classic race I am happy to finally check off the list.  America's highest road race, going from a starting elevation of 10,600ft at Echo Lake all the way to the summit area near 14,264 ft.  14.5 miles and almost 4000ft of gain.  The race also has an incredible history with it starting back in the early 70's.

With SJS 50 just around the corner, I felt like something a bit more intense with some good altitude would be a good preparation race.  With it being uphill only, I wasn't too worried about beating the legs up too much on the road and with the pace being much slower with all that climbing, it kept the impact levels low and fairly easy to recover from.  I met up with Craig and Jen down there.  Wendy wasn't able to come and support because of how she has been reacting to higher altitudes while pregnant.  It was a shame that she would have to sit out spectating a few of these races this year.

Lower slopes