A hard working runner trying to be the best Dad he can be
Born in the U.K. I spent most of my life growing up in Scotland, the South Coast of England and then the hills of the Lake District. A runner since 16, I met my wife Wendy at the Cross Country Running Club at the University of St. Andrews on a wet rainy night at the track. My home is on the fells and trail, but still love to race on the roads and experience as many different distances as possible. Each has it's own unique place in the sport. I still dream of adding a round of the legendary Bob Graham circuit on a visit back home one of these days as it's been on my bucket list for years.
Felix is the son we thought we'd never have. After 14 years of wedded bliss, and a long journey searching for answers, we had finally given up our chance for a baby only to discover on New Years Day, 2013 the news we thought would never come. A baby was on the way, and we welcomed Felix into our lives on August 22nd 2013!
My wife Wendy and I have been lifelong runners, we met through running and always wondered how we could integrate our passion for running into family life, so that both of us still get to enjoy our favorite sport. Wendy had even (unknowingly) run the Tucson marathon 6 weeks pregnant. We had seen plenty of couples make it work, but for most only one was an athlete.
I grappled with these questions all through Wendy's pregnancy. Anxious and prepared that I would have to give it all up if I had to for our baby boy. I wanted to find a way for both of his parents to be an athletic inspiration as he grows and learns about what has been a big part of our lives for so many years.
This blog starts at the beginning of 2013, when we discovered Felix was on the way. I wanted it to serve as part journal, part training/racing log, part exploration of how Mothers and Fathers can still maintain active lifestyles among all the compromise a family brings.
After several years of immersion in the Boulder triathlon life, completing Iron Distance races and spending way too may hours staring at a black line in the pool, I've returned to my roots for a focus on running. It's the sport I always return to above all others, and for a time crunched athlete is fortunately by far the most efficient. No doubt I'll return to multi-sport in years to come but for now I'm enjoying the pursuit of new challenges in longer distances.
David McMillan
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