1:26:37 1st place overall and course record
This race was added to the calendar after searching for another half after the debacle at Redline 13.1 Westminster. I had wanted to do the Platte River half and get a time on a known fast course but the family schedule wouldn't allow it on that weekend. I opted for a second year event in Firestone, where I had luck the previous year in getting second place at a local 5K. Knowing a bit of the area and course, I thought it could be a good fit.
I'd checked out the results from last year and was a little surprised with the slowish times from some runners I knew were pretty quick. Maybe it had been a hot day or slightly long - I guess I would soon find out.
I used the same taper as before Redline which is really working well for me right now. I'm getting to the end of the week feeling fresh and rested with an attitude of wanting to get after it on race day. Timing these races with natural low weeks has also helped get in some of the required recovery which is harder to do in a normal training week without a race looming.